
作成日 2024年10月01日
氏名 手嶋 毅志




  1. Nan Lu*, Tianyi Zhang, Tongtong Fang, Takeshi Teshima, and Masashi Sugiyama. (2022). Rethinking importance weighting for transfer learning. In Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization: Vol. 27. Federated and Transfer Learning (pp. 185–231). Springer International Publishing Cham.
  2. Ayaka Oishi*, Takeshi Teshima, Kunikazu Akao, Tsuyoshi Kano, Megumi Kiriha, Naoki Kojima, Takuya Sasaki, Kentaro Takahira, Jumpei Takami, Tomonari Takeuchi, Kenji Tajima, Chihiro Noda, Hikaru Hirose, and Shigeki Yamanaka. (2022). Forecasting internally displaced people’s movements with artificial intelligence. In Advances in Theory and Practice of Emerging Markets. Digital Innovations, Business and Society in Africa: New Frontiers and a Shared Strategic Vision (pp. 311–339). Springer International Publishing.


  1. Isao Ishikawa*, Takeshi Teshima, Koichi Tojo, Kenta Oono, Masahiro Ikeda, and Masashi Sugiyama. (2023). Universal approximation property of invertible neural networks. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24, 1–68. (First two authors contributed equally.)


  1. Takeshi Teshima*, and Masashi Sugiyama. (2021). Incorporating causal graphical prior knowledge into predictive modeling via simple data augmentation. Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2021), PMLR 161, 86–96. PMLR. (Acceptance rate: 26.4%)
  2. Masahiro Kato*, and Takeshi Teshima. (2021). Non-negative Bregman divergence minimization for deep direct density ratio estimation. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021), 5320–5333. PMLR. (Acceptance rate: 21.4%)
  3. Masahiro Fujisawa*, Takeshi Teshima, Issei Sato, and Masashi Sugiyama. (2021). γ-ABC: Outlier-robust approximate bayesian computation based on a robust divergence estimator. Proceedings of The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2021), PMLR 130, 1783–1791. PMLR. (Acceptance rate: 29.8%)
  4. Takeshi Teshima*, Issei Sato, and Masashi Sugiyama. (2020). Few-shot domain adaptation by causal mechanism transfer. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2020), PMLR 119, 9458–9469. PMLR. (Acceptance rate: 21.8%)
  5. Takeshi Teshima*, Isao Ishikawa, Koichi Tojo, Kenta Oono, Masahiro Ikeda, and Masashi Sugiyama. (2020). Coupling-based invertible neural networks are universal diffeomorphism approximators. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 3362–3373. Curran Associates Inc. (First two authors contributed equally. Selected for oral presentation; 105 orals out of 1900 accepted papers. Acceptance rate 20.1%, oral acceptance rate 1.1%)
  6. Takeshi Teshima*, Miao Xu, Issei Sato, and Masashi Sugiyama. (2019). Clipped matrix completion: a remedy for ceiling effects. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 33(01), 5151–5158. The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. (Acceptance rate: 16.2%)
  7. Masahiro Kato*, Takeshi Teshima, and Junya Honda. (2018). Learning from positive and unlabeled data with a selection bias. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2019). OpenReview.net. (No page numbers were assigned in these proceedings.)




    1. Takeshi Teshima and Masashi Sugiyama. データ拡張による因果グラフ的事前知識の予測モデリングへの活用. 第24回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS 2021). 2021年11月13日.
    2. 石川勲, 手嶋毅志, 東條広一, 大野健太, 池田正弘, 杉山将. 可逆ニューラルネットのSobolev空間における普遍性について. 第24回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS 2021). 2021年11月11日.
    3. 藤澤将広, 手嶋毅志, 佐藤一誠, 杉山将. γ-ABC: 頑健なダイバージェンス推定量を用いた外れ値ロバストな近似ベイズ計算. 第24回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS 2021). 2021年11月10日.
    4. Takeshi Teshima, Isao Ishikawa, Koichi Tojo, Kenta Oono, Masahiro Ikeda, and Masashi Sugiyama. カップリングに基づく可逆神経回路網は微分同相写像の万能近似器である. 第23回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS2020). 2020年11月26日.
    5. Takeshi Teshima. Few-shot Domain Adaptation by Causal Mechanism Transfer. Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) 2020. 2020年07月03日.
    6. Takeshi Teshima. Clipped matrix completion: a remedy for ceiling effects. Joint Workshop of BBDC, BZML and RIKEN AIP. 2019年09月10日.
    7. Takeshi Teshima. Clipped matrix completion: a remedy for ceiling effects. The Second Korea-Japan Machine Learning Workshop. 2019年02月23日.
    8. Takeshi Teshima, Miao Xu, Issei Sato, and Masashi Sugiyama. 打ち切り行列の補完:天井効果への処方箋. 第21回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS 2018). 2018年11月06日.



    1. IBIS 2020 (The 23rd Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop) Outstanding Presentation Award. 2021年01月08日.
    2. RIKEN Ohbu Award 2020 (Research Incentive Award). 2021年03月17日.
    3. Deans' Award for Outstanding Achievement (Master's Course; Graduate School of Frontier Sciences). 2019年03月20日.


    1. Takeshi Teshima. 統計的因果モデルに基づく転移学習. 第17回日本統計学会春季集会 (JSS 2023 Spring). 2023年03月05日.
    2. Takeshi Teshima. 因果メカニズム転移による小標本ドメイン適応. 情報論的学習理論と機械学習研究会(IBISML)オーガナイズドセッション『異なるタスクを活用する機械学習:転移学習,メタ学習』. 2021年03月05日.
    3. Takeshi Teshima, and Isao Ishikawa. On the Universality of Invertible Neural Networks. Workshop on Functional Inference and Machine Intelligence (FIMI). 2021年03月03日.
    4. Takeshi Teshima. 打ち切り行列の補完:天井効果の治療法. 第4回統計・機械学習若手シンポジウム. 2019年11月15日.


    1. Takeshi Teshima, and Hiroshi Kajino. (2020). Sampling unique molecular structures from autoencoders. Retrieved from https://patents.google.com/patent/US20220108765A1/en (US Patent App. 17/060,862; Publication No. US20220108765A1. Patent pending.)



    1. 孫正義育英財団 財団生 (研究費支援を受けた). 2019年07月–2024年6月.



    1. 東京大学フューチャーファカルティプログラム 修了(修了証番号第549号). 2019年02月27日.
      「『大学で教えること』に関するスキルおよび知識の獲得を目指したプログラム」(https://utokyofd.com/ffp/about/ より2024年1月25日に抜粋)